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{{_p.NAME== "myprofile"?'My Account':_p.NAME}}
{{_c.NAME == "transactionhistory" ? "Transaction Report":_c.NAME == "bookings"?"Booking Reports":_c.NAME == "salereport"?"Sale Report": _c.NAME == "searchbooking"?"Search Booking":_c.NAME }}
{{_g.NAME == "bookinghistory"?"Booking History":_g.NAME == "cancelhistory"?"Cancel History":_g.NAME == "refundhistory"?"Refund History":_g.NAME}}
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Frequently Asked Questions!
Q: What should we do if issue didn't handel properly by Support/Accounts team ?
A: Feel free to contact at: 011 45022257, 8587811173 & email us at: operation@KAFILATRAVEL.IN
Q: What is the Payment Gateway Charges?
A: When you use electronic medium to transfer funds using Credit Cards, Debits Cards or Net banking etc your Retailer or Seller uses a third party application to securely verify and authorize your payments made to his bank account at a nominal fee per transaction. This fee is the Payment Gateway Charges.
Q: What will be the B2B(AGENT) Refund Policy in case of FAILED BOOKING?
A: Case1:Wallet Refund= No Charges,
Case2:Bank Account Refund: No Charges
Case3: Credit Card Refund: 2% of total Amount.
Q: What will be the Charges for KAFILAHOLIDAYS.IN Payment Gateway?
A: KAFILAHOLIDAYS.IN Payment Gateway Charges = 2%.
Q: What will be the Service Charges against cancellation of air ticket?
A: KAFILAHOLIDAYS.IN Service Charges against cancellation of air ticket is Rs 120/-
Q: What is the KAFILAHOLIDAYS.IN Cancelation and Refund Policy?
A: If any confirmed ticket cancelled by customer, the amount will be refunded within 0-7 Days. If any booking Not Confirmed due to any valid reasons the amount will be refunded to Customer wallet within 0-48 Hrs.
Q: What will be the Cancelation Charges?
A: Cancelation Charges shall be applied as per below rule:
Amount = Discount - (Normal Cancelation Charges + Service Fee)
Ex:Let if a ticket amount is Rs 5000 and Ticket Discount = Rs 300
Airline Cancelation Charges = Rs 2250
Service Charge = 120
Cancelation Charges= 2250+120 (Rs.2370/-)
Q: What will be the Refund Amount Calculation in Case of Wallet ?
A: Refundable Amount = Ticket Amount - (Cancelation Charges + Discount)
Ex: Refundable Amount = Rs 5000 – (360 + 2250 + 120) = Rs 2270/-.
Q: What will be the Refund Amount Calculation in case of Customer Bank Account or Credit Card ?
A: Refundable Amount = Refundable Amount-( Refundable Amount* Payment Gateway Charges).
Ex: Refundable Amount = 2334 -(2334*2%)= 2287/-
Q: What will be the Refund Amount Calculation if Booking has not been made by www.KAFILAHOLIDAYS.IN?
A: Case1: In that case Full refund will be credited to www.kafilaholidays.in wallet against customer ID. Customer can use wallet amount to book airticket.
Case2: If customer insist his amount refunded in his payment source(ex: credit card, Bank Account etc..) then payment gateway charges applied .
Ex: If Ticket Amount= 5000/-
Refundable amount = 5000 -(5000*2%)= 4900/-
Q: What will be the Do's and Don'ts while using www.KAFILAHOLIDAYS.IN?
A: Avoid making ticket in simultaneous TAB, will cause unappropriate result. Any discrepancy regarding Ticket Booking please inform us within 6 hrs of Issuance. After that we are not liable for any changes.
RoundTrip Booking :
In case of different airlines, kindly request you to book your roundtrip booking separate.
1. Fare of INBOUND airlines might be increased while booking during OUTBOUND and vice-versa.
2. The amount of booked sector will have to pay by Company/Customer.
3. If you want to cancel your booked sector you'll have to pay cancelation charge.
SME fare :
Service charge on SME fare will be Rs 360/- (cancelation, rescheduling)
Corporate fare :
Cancelation charge on Corporate fare will be Rs 660/-